Rose Bouquet


Our roses are high quality locally grown in the Netherlands to give a truly seductive sight to your bouquet reflecting timeless luxury. A beautiful and classic bouquet to celebrate an anniversary or a special moment.

Images are not binding and may differ from actual product.

Please contact us for very specific wishes (allow ± 2 days for special requests).

*We only deliver bouquets within Amsterdam city center and immediate surroundings (see postcodes on FAQ page). We kindly refer you to our FAQ page for any other questions regarding orders, delivery or payment.

You can also contact us for other specific orders.

Taking care of your bouquet is essential for the longevity of your bouquet.

Here are some of our best tips to get the most life out of your floral arrangement, so that you can enjoy it for as long as possible.

  • Place the floral arrangement in a cool area. We do not recommend placing them in direct sunlight. Also avoid any heating or cooling vents.
  • Fill the vase up to ¾ with fresh, cool water adding flower food.
  • We recommend cutting the stems in 45° angle.
  • Refresh the water regularly (at least every 2-3 days)


We also have some tips on how you can best care for your orchids.

  • Keep indoors and not directly in the sun.
  • Ideally you can place your orchid plant near windows, where it will receive plenty of indirect light.
  • Keep in environment with stable temperature.
  • Watering schedule:
    • Summer: Once every 7 days
    • Winter: Once every 10-14 days